Slide 42
Slide 42: One company that I believe is taking a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to dealing with the marketing environment is Apple. The specific actions that they take to influence their environment are when creating their new products, they realize that the older ones will have glitches and people will start complaining. In order to fix this, apple keeps this in mind when creating their new products, so when the new products are produced, these problems are fixed The benefits that have resulted form these actions is that more people will purchase these items because they know that the next product will be above and beyond, and will be fixed from the problems of last seasons products.
Application question #3: Shifts in secondary cultural values include people’s views of themselves, others, organizations, society, nature, and the universe. There has been a shift from a “me society” to a “we society” in which more people want to be more towards serving other. A company that in which has benefited from this is the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Las Vegas. It has a simulated living room, complete with sofas where shoppers can sit and be social among the other customers.This creates an atmosphere that helps the customer feel comfortable, and be able to socialize with the other customers. Also, health clubs and family vacations because it has improved direct communication between people. Companies that have not benefited from this shift is those that mostly focus on supplying people with products for their homes to make them stay at home. They can adjust to the trend by offering products from the home, but allow them to also be social. Another value that has resulted in a shift is people’s views of nature and the universe. Recently, people have recognized that nature is fragile, and that it is frequently destroyed by human activity. A result is customers are now looking for products that are natural, organic, and