College isn’t affordable to most students, American students for sure. Preparing for college is the biggest and hardest transition you’ll ever have to overcome, especially with money issues, and having a hard time figuring out how to pay for college can cause strains for an individual. Some students have a hard time figuring out how to even get to college. Figuring out how to pay for college can make many other issues arise. It can also deter some students from attending a College, because of the outstanding cost to attend college, a Community College in particular. Being able to afford college is just another burden to many students in America. A program should be implemented to send …show more content…
hard working students to college for free, or at least pay tuition at a Community College, because it would be more affordable, motivate students to attend college, and improve the work force. College is usually paid for in many ways. According to College Data “most families use retirement funds, and even loans to pay for College” (College Data). These families are eligible for Financial Aid based on income of the household and many other factors. Financial Aid can be in forms of grants, scholarships and work study. People save up for college, and also use their savings. Parents might save up for years in order to send their children to college. A Plus also plays a huge part in sending students to college, along with loans as well. Community College should be offered for students who contingently work hard and are dedicated, free at charge as long as the students work hard and maintain a certain G.P.A.
Obama’s plan to pay for college for students is a well enough plan to implement for the future.
With the plan that Obama is implementing, he has a budget that consists of a 60 billion dollars for Community College for students. With Obama’s plan, he promises a free 2 years at a Community College, as long as the student follows certain guidelines. According to “A Guide to Obama’s Free College Community Plan” Obama’s promise could help over 9 million people follow their dreams and go to college. Even though there are stipulations, and eligibility requirements the idea is still a helpful resource. The tuition would eventually be waived, and seen as a free tuition ordeal. Students must work for this privilege, and it should come easy for the students who really want it. A 2.5 or higher G.P.A is required, and students must be enrolled in at least a part-time schedule. Students must also display a passion for going to school, and finishing, and receiving their associate's degree. Students must also display progress, and have the strive and integrity to finish what they're going to school for. (A Guide To Obama’s Free College Community …show more content…
With the support of the Federal Government Obama’s Promise could go a long way. According to “Roach Diverse Analysis”, areas of the government such as foundations, and organizations approve of the concept. They support the benefit some people would get from college being paid for. Most of the Federal Government believe in the American College Promise. American College Promise allows students to engage in school and encourage them to go to college. Proposing and passing this new bill encourages students to get a better education. The Federal government should strive to help students make it to college. It allows students to think about attending a postsecondary school. If students are able to attend college for free, then they’ll be more encouraged to do so. Students wouldn't think about the burden of payment, and it would leave them feeling relieved.
President Obama’s College Plan according to Roach Diverse Analysis, “contrasts the importance of college” The importance of Obama’s college plan is beneficial to our era, minorities and people in general.
Many people will obviously benefit drastically and positively. Changing societies life for the better, is an important mission for the plan. Turning our country into a higher educated environment is important as well. America would eventually turn into a hard working society. Aside from the cons, Republicans claim, this is the most beneficial to all of the people in America. Although tax increases could propose a new issue, most people are still willing to help implement such a program because they understand the positive benefits. (Roach Diverse
Students attending college for at least two years free, is looked down upon mainly because of the money issue. Although taxes will be raised, it will be for a good cause. Raising taxes will allow college to be paid for, for many underprivileged or disadvantaged students. Some people, mainly republicans won’t agree with taxes being raised for the new bill. That causes a huge debate for the United States and Obama’s positive objective. Republicans don’t believe in using taxpayers hard earned money to send awarding students to get a college education. Without this proposal, countless potential scholars wouldn’t have the privilege of attending school.
The plan Obama has is a good and helpful plan in many ways. It provides not only an education, but also a promising future to individuals who are deprived of an education because of certain circumstances. This plan will encourage students to attend and to think about furthering their education. Which will implement success for many students who strive for it. This program is a good idea for many reasons, considering the fact getting to college won’t be a burden for anyone anymore. The “American College Promise” will disable the issue of student debt amongst students. If the bill is passed, it will eventually impact 9 million people. This is an important and life changing event, that would be beneficial in creating a better society. (Guide To Obama’s Free College Plan)
There are many critics when it comes to implementing and furthering this idea. There aren’t many supporters of the scenario, for the simple fact that they believe their taxes, should not be going towards sending Americans to college. According to the Washington Post, it would cost the United States over 60 billion over 10 years. This is claimed to be extra money the United States does not have in their budget. It is also believed that the mainly Republican Congress would not approve this idea due to their own beliefs and reasoning.
The critics of this proposal believe that the 60 billion dollars should go into resources that students will still be able to use. This proposal is also being in comparison to what the Pell Grant does for students. Writer for Washington Post, Valerie Strauss writes about the cons and problems that come into place with Obama’s promise. This article “The Problems With Obama’s Community College Plan — And an Alternative” is not strictly bashing the idea of paying for college, but also suggesting an alternative that they think will be a helpful alternative. It has sparked a debate amongst the nation. In the article, Carolyn P. Ash et al claims that “a better way to spend $60 billion would be to expand the existing federal Pell Grant program and empower students with greater resources to choose the college best for them.” Although this will still be helping students, it would be better to benefit from the Obama program because not only will it send students to college, it would also encourage them to go to college. Receivers of this benefit, would greatly appreciate the offer and would work their hardest to maintain the offer. Encouragement is key when it comes to this idea. Agreeing with the idea that this idea is better than the other would have to be based solely upon Americans and individuals in each state. The good idea about this, is that either idea chosen, students will still be sent to college, and receive an education at a Community College.
There are many oppositions that affect the passing of this bill. People look at this idea as being negligent. There are abundant reasons people disagree with this concept. There are many pros and cons when it comes to offering free college to students. Changing a life, and helping someone utilize this opportunity is important. Passing this bill will motivate students to become harder workers, and will strengthen the workforce for the better.