I. Biopoem II. Structured Graphic Organizers (placed before every essay) III. Essays IV. Random Thoughts (placed after every essay) V. Your ABC CORWRIT Story
Where to Place: Violet, Clear and Long Binder (Folder) for HF12
When to Submit: August 23, Thursday during Lab Class (only)
The BIOPOEM, a poem about self, opens the compilation. The structured/ guided poem allows you to introduce and express yourself in writing. The initial activity also allows me to see how well you can express yourself in English. At the same time, it allows me to gauge your proficiency in the language.
STRUCTURED OUTLINES are given to serve as guides for you to know your focus in writing the essays. Familiar topics are used for you to express your thoughts easier.
RANDOM THOUGHTS give you the opportunity to express your opinions, ideas, comments, and suggestions regarding the topics. Self expression becomes the focus of your thoughts.
ABC CORWRIT STORY is provided at the end of the portfolio. It allows you to go back and give your comments and feedback in the course with regard to the whole learning activities and experiences, including your personal experience with me. It allows me to evaluate learning events in the classroom.
OUTLINE/ FRAMEWORK OF THE ESSAYS 1. Description: Plaza Villarosa (4 paragraphs)
Focus: A place for hanging out with friends; A venue for different school activities
Major Divisions: A. Introduction B. A place for hanging out with friends C. A venue for different activities D. Conclusion 2. Narration: My Most/ My First (3 Paragraphs)
Focus: Details/ Sensory Impressions
Major Divisions: A. Introduction B. The Experience C. Conclusion
3. Definition: Communication (or E-mails) (5 Paragraphs)
Focus: What is communication (what is e-mail) and what are its importance?
Major Divisions: A. Introduction B. Meaning #1