Professor Boeck
RWS 200
February 6, 2015
Reading Responses Colombo Pg. 139-140
1. Moore provides evidence to support his contention that America is a nation of idiots by stating, “There are forty-four million Americans who cannot read and write above a fourth grade level –in other words, who are functional illiterates” (Colombo 122) and also explains how he feels as if America wants to keep individuals “stupid” and “ignorant” (Colombo 123). I do agree with his statement that there are many people who cannot read higher than a fourth grade level, but I do not believe that America wants to keep the public as being “idiots.” Many individuals are college dropouts and even high school dropouts in my opinion, but that does not mean that America is “stupid” and “ignorant.” I do not see any limitations when Moore uses the “question/answer” approach because he uses questions to illustrate and back up his statement on how America is a nation of idiots.
2. When Moore discusses standardized testing, I completely agreed with his statement on how there is a “national obsession with testing, as if everything that’s wrong with the educational system in this country would be magically fixed if we could just raise those scores” (Colombo 132) because even at my own elementary to high school each one of my school made it seem as if students were not to do extremely well it would significantly affect them and their futures. However, I know that standardized testing never really truly affected me in the long run, I felt as if the testing was pretty much pointless. I would categorize Moore’s attitude toward school and schooling as he is extremely disappointed with the education system. I feel as if Moore believes that the education system should be significantly improved for students. I would agree with Moore’s examples and claims to an extent where, yes schools should be improved, but I do believe there are many people who are trying tremendously hard in trying to
Cited: Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013. Print.