
Colonial Lifestyles: Life In The Middle Colonies

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Colonial Lifestyles: Life In The Middle Colonies
A. The middle colonies had different family economy of the colonists then the other colonies .

Families in the middle colonies usually had farmers. The farmers in the family grew more than needed so they would sell the extras or ship it up a river to places like Philadelphia and New York. Children in colonies usually become apprentice(Life in the Middle Colonies.). Boy were usually apprentices for shoemakers and printers while the girls were usually learned how to spin and weave thread. At home boys helped plant while girls sewed, did house cooking, and cleaning(Life in the Middle Colonies.).
B. Just like the New England colony the middle colony economy was different from the others.

“The Middle Colonies were the big food producing
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A. In the Southern colonies lifes was a lot different then other colonies.

If you were rich you lived on a big plantation where slaves or indentured servants farmed your crops, and after the crops were farmed you would sell them. In the Southern Colonies men were expected to live till 35 and women usually died early because of childbirth(Southern Colonies). People in the Southern Colonies died a lot younger because of the heat and diseases(Southern Colonies). Children usually had tutors - if their parents were rich- or they were sent off to schools in the North.

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