I. Colonial Mentality
A. Definition
B. Symptoms of colonial mentality
C. History
1. Cultures and practices shared by foreign countries
a. America
b. Spain
c. Japan
II. How colonial mentality is inherited by Filipino individuals
A. Denigration of the Filipino self
B. Denigration of the Filipino culture and body
C. Discrimination against less acculturated Filipinos
D. Tolerance and acceptance of historical and contemporary oppression of Filipinos
III. Effects of Having Colonial Mentality
A. To Filipinos
B. To our country
C. To other countries
IV. Reducing the quantity of Filipinos who have colonial mentality
Introduction: Do you recognize these brands of products: Adidas, Nike, Fila? Of Course you do! These are just a few of the many products we prefer rather than our own products made here like: MDSE, Otto. 7 out of 10 people choose these imported products rather than our local products. How come the sales of imported products are higher than our products? Is this a psychological disorder? How and when did we have this? Can this kind of mentality be reduced? The main reason why Filipinos have this kind of mentality is because of the countries who shared their culture and beliefs in our country.
Colonial mentality is the thinking that foreign talents and products are always better, and the local ones are poor or no quality at all.
Colonial mentality is also defined as a form of internalized oppression, in which the colonizer’s values and beliefs are accepted by the colonized as beliefs and truths of their own; the colonized come to believe that the mores of the colonizer are superior to their own
Symptoms of colonial Mentality:
1. A bowl of plastic fruits on the dining room buffet.
2. An imitation Levis bag or Lee Pipes jeans.
3. Plastic evergreen trees laden with absorbent cotton-snow for Christmas
4. Believing that Santa Claus is real.
5. Always saying “Ang sarap parang mansanas!”
6. Getting a nose and a bust