|Ingles |Espanol |
|Raining cats and dogs |Lluvia mucha |
|Get on like cat and dog |Llevarse como el perro y el gato |
|To be the black sheep of the family |Ser la oveja negra de la familia |
|Take the piss |Tomar el pelo |
|Burn the candle at both ends |Quemar la noche |
|Brainwash |Lavar el cerebro |
|To be the centre of the universe |Ser el ombligo del mundo |
|To see stars |Ver las estrellas |
|To be as mad as a goat |Estar como una cabra |
|To be as mad as a hatter | |
|Barking mad | |
|To be fuming |Muy enfadado |
|To drink like a fish |Beber como una cuba |
|To swim like a fish |Nadar como un pez |
|To cry like a baby