Encyclopedia Britannica V
2. Dyes –are natural substances and highly colored chemicals synthesized from coal, tar or petroleum products and used to color textiles and such other products as plastics, paper, leather, fur, oil, rubber, soap, food, cosmetics, inks, and metal surfaces.
3. Dyestuffs –intensely colored substances used for imparting color to other materials. Dyestuffs are soluble in the medium in which they are applied, whereas pigments are insoluble.
Encyclopedia Britannica III
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
This species is the Hibiscus of commerce, in herbal teas and as a food coloring. Grown as a common ornamental plant with many varieties. Shrubs usually under 8’ tall in cultivation but may be 15’ tree in tropics. Ovoid glossy green separate leaves 6” long. Flowers in upper leaf axles, solitary, with petals 2-5” long and bright red, or at times pink, purple, orange, yellow, or white. Cultivars may be single, double and colored red, yellow, white or orange. Fruit is a 5-celled capsule each with 3 seeds. Grows primarily in the tropics and was originally cultivated in Asia.