The effect color blindness has on you is inability to distinguish colors. Most people who have this disorder are partially colorblind; being fully colorblind is very rare and does not happen a lot. Some of the major causes for color blindness is aging, eye problems, injury to the eye, and side effects to certain medicine. Some symptoms of the disorder are difficulty distinguishing colors, inability to see shades or tones of the same color, and rapid eye movement in rare cases.
You find out you have colorblindness by doctors testing for it routinely. It is very difficult to detect and the children may be unaware they even have the disorder. There is not a current treatment for color blindness so if you have it you just have to live with it. There are no environmental factors that contribute to the disorder, it is genetic and present at birth even though they might not even know they have color blindness. …show more content…
Color blindness affects approximately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women (0.5%). There are approximately 2.7 million colorblind people (about 4.5% of the population) most of whom are male in the United States. I think this disorder is neutral because all it does is make it so if u had it, you would mix up colors or not be able to see colors at