Color Therapy was first discovered thousands of years ago in the ancient cultures of China, Egypt, and India. Each color gives off a different wavelength and energy. The main colors involved in color therapy include; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each of these colors relates to one of the seven main chakras, which are just energy centers in the body. If you balance these seven chakras then you are in good health and wellbeing. These colors also affect your mood depending on your wardrobe.
Light wavelength determines the actual color you see. The light spectrum goes from violet, with its high frequency and short wavelength, to red, with low frequency and long wavelength. The chakra within the body also consists of these colors which accepts and absorbs energy. Some people may be attracted to a certain color more than others. This is because the energy vibration of that color may be lacking. The body seeks the deficient color in order to achieve a balanced state.
The first chakra is in the base of the spine. This chakra is the red one. It is said to be the color of life, the sun and fire. Therapists have said it will raise blood pressure and increase the rate of breathing. It is also the color of desire and passion. Red has been used for asthma, anemia, and other throat diseases, and coughs. If you have too much red in your chakra then it could symbolize domination, cruelty, anger, and sometimes vulgarity. The second chakra is orange and it is located in the pelvic area. It stands for kind and warm heartedness. Orange is a perfect combination of yellow and red. Orange in your chakra improves your mood and alertness. Using orange can treat mental illness, depression, and pessimism. It is said it can be used for anorexia, loss of appetite, arteriosclerosis, digestive disorders and anemia. To much orange can result fatigue and confusion. The third chakra is yellow and it is located in the solar plexus, which is