When Europeans came the Americas they brought with them many types of diseases like small pox, measles, and the bubonic plague. And the Indigenous people were mostly vulnerable to these diseases because their immune systems did not recognize these microbes. As a result, more than fifty percent of the Native American population died during the 16th and 17th centuries.. Europeans also received their share of the diseases when European sailors returning from the New World brought back diseases like syphilis which they were unprotected
When Europeans came the Americas they brought with them many types of diseases like small pox, measles, and the bubonic plague. And the Indigenous people were mostly vulnerable to these diseases because their immune systems did not recognize these microbes. As a result, more than fifty percent of the Native American population died during the 16th and 17th centuries.. Europeans also received their share of the diseases when European sailors returning from the New World brought back diseases like syphilis which they were unprotected