a. When I began to red about the experiences of Mary Rowlandson, I began to feel what the reader was trying to portray in her writing. Rowlandson’s tone was one that explained her fear and desperation while being captured by the natives and from there passes to one where she had to resist, and finally her relief after she was freed. Now, her purpose was mostly to inform the people of everything she passed throughout that time. In my opinion, I believe that it was also a type of relief, …show more content…
When an author uses first person in their narrative, this gives the reader a different perspective of the literature. For instance, when I explain how I felt and how I experienced a situation, this demonstrates more truthfulness and helps reach more people and perform the purpose of the writing. Lastly, when a there is a person running for president, that person proposes “I will do…I believe…” throughout his discourse, people apply more confidence, and the purpose of that speech is accomplished.
2. Franklin and Red Jacket both support and defend the Native Americans. What arguments do they make in common? What prompted the writing of each piece? Do you find both authors reliable? Why or why not?
a. First, both authors make a same argument stating that natives are peaceful and flexible. Anyhow, it outcomes that after they are abused and taken their lands from them, they react differently in order to defend what is theirs. However, both Benjamin Franklin and Red Jacket mention something in common. When it came to convert them to Christianity, the natives reacted in a wise and educated manner, in every response given to the …show more content…
I find both authors reliable. This is because they demonstrate knowledge and wisdom through their writing. For example, Red Jacket made a wise response. When he answered, he defended his point of view without offending anyone. Lastly, Benjamin Franklin is reliable because he demonstrated that he observed each side, before he began to write (Franklin, 1784/2013, p. 244). Anyhow, he is a widely recognized and important figure in American history.
3. Thomas Paine's Common Sense is an argumentative essay. What argument is Paine making? How does he structure his argument? What do YOU think is his most persuasive point and why? NOTE: You MUST include the exact quote that you found the most persuasive.
a. Thoughout all of his essay, Thomas Paine is arguing in favor for an American Independence.
b. He structures his argument by proposing “more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense” (Paine, 1776/2013, p. 325).
c. I believe that after everything he said and wrote, towards the end of his writing is his most persuasive point. I believe that it is when he says, “A government of our own is our natural right” (Paine, 1776/2013, p. 330).This is because everybody wants to feel free and not compressed by the oppression of another person. In this case, Paine explains his point thoroughly arguing and stating facts. But at the end when he makes mention of this, this lets the reader know that it will be better to have our own government. There he is concluding that there will be