Steve Lopez and his exemplary column writing, which is recognized by a Pulitzer prize, makes readers of all ages ask how and why as they devour his richly written columns. In his columns for the Los Angeles Times, Lopez skillfully employs use of metaphors and juxtaposition among other devices to provoke his readers’ thoughts and exaggerate his often humorous or light hearted interpretations of the city that he lives in and the people who maintain it. With these techniques he hooks his readers on his writing style and keeps them coming back for more interesting comparisons and metaphors that describe the world around them.…
"(Stovall) writes about the back-room politics of a major newspaper like he's BTDT - been there, done…
The differences between the articles emphasise the fine line between objective reporting and opinionated reporting. No journalist or writer can be truly objective, however, there is a vast difference between Thompson’s article – which is written from the first person perspective and includes some of his predictions for events after 9/11 – and Pullen’s article – which includes numerous verifiable facts and is written in the third person.…
Until recently I was an uninformed individual who did not take the time out to delve into reading articles from news columnists. That was until I was given the task to select a columnist and carefully analyze their rhetorical strategy methods used to convey their column’s central argument. As a result of this, my task began of pragmatically analyzing six consecutive articles written by, The Dallas Morning News (DMN) Columnist, Sharon Grigsby began. Grigsby is well-known among the DMN circuit as the journalist dubbed “dog reporter,” and as the director of the “Bridging Dallas” and “North-South Gap” projects- which she earned of Pulitzer Prize for in 2010 for her selection of work. Since the start of her career at the DMN Grigsby has devoted…
This assignment will compare and analyse two different articles from The Sun and The Times. It will focus on the Layout, Audience, Language, Tone, Bias, Interviews, Message, and Personal Preference.…
journalist who writes for Atlantic Monthly, and has previously written for The Rolling Stone, The…
Gunderloy was fortunate enough to have fifteen to twenty other writers helping review what would sometimes be hundreds of subjects each issue. Material came to his New York post box from the far left and right, as well as a number of obscure subcultures eager for a wider audience. Some, certainly, were not in entirely a healthy frame of mind; Mike received threatening letters from alleged psychics, and a regular column by Kerry Thornley was fraught with paranoia (“Conspiracy Corner with Kerry Thornley” was actually a compilation of various miscellania Thornley would send in without commentary, comprising various sheets of notebook paper covered in phrases like “Don't think I'm any longer under the illusion that anyone else in the ruling class is any more magnanimous. You are ALL…
In “Arms and the Women,” Collins argues that, considering how far America has already come with equal rights as a whole, women should now have total equality to men in the military. Collins opens her column by looking back on the era when women were first allowed into the military- a time when letting them hold a gun was still out of the question. She then moves to a discussion of the current state of the issue; how much has changed, and the question of if more rights should be given. Collins closes her argument with a reflection of the positive effects of women in the military, and a hope to continue the movement of allowing women to participate in all combat.…
Stephen Glass, a creative young journalist seemed to have knack for being in the right place at the right time. As a result he wrote articles that captured audiences with captivating details and quotes that made each story perfect. It wasn't until the reporters at the Forbes…
McLellan, Dennis. "Innovative Editor of New York Magazine." Editorial. Los Angelos Times 2 July 2008. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 02 July 2008. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>.…
Dreams come into different varieties, big, small, colorful, black and white, long, short, and other things that you can think of. But there is only one dream that every American wants to achieve, that is the American dream. The American dream started way back when America was founded. It started through the search of gold and of religious freedom by the Europeans settlers. Explorers during the 1600s looked for riches and sought religious freedom. They lived the life of the American Dream. A life that is full of riches and prosperity. But according to Bob Herbert, the American dream is fading away. In his article “Hiding from Reality,” he stated that “there is not much of it that’s left anymore.” Even…
When reading, “Does the Media Have a Liberal Bias” there are many topics to keep in mind while reading these two articles. First off does the media really have a liberal bias or any bias at all? Fred Barnes believes that the media has and liberal bias and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes that the media does not have a liberal bias. Both of these articles provide examples of why they believe that the media either has a liberal bias or does not have one.…
I don’t see anything wrong with two people getting married to each other, but I don’t feel that homosexuals should be capable to receive the same benefits of marriage like heterosexuals. If a gay person wants to be married then they should but they also should be taxed for being in a same sex marriage. I feel like they should get taxed because it is not natural for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with another woman. Two of the same sex cannot bear children therefore it is not acceptable to me. Homosexuals are trying to get the same equal opportunity as heterosexual marriages unless they are willing to pay some kind of payment. Under the Defense of Marriage Act made in 1996, it states that a gay married couple can take advantage of state laws with the benefits of marriage, but not any of the benefits by federal law (DOMA). The benefits that heterosexual marriages aren’t authorized to are social security, tax, estate, veteran and military, federal employment, and immigration. The law also states that…
references of their own to back up what they have written about. I have chosen these…
B) His diction is very proper and seems to be very well educated. Other than that he has also written many other articles regarding this subject, therefor he is a credible source.…