Ashish kuma sharma*
Issues challenging the higher education in India are multi faceted and quite complex. There are certain issues which are extremely important and require attention of the government on priority basis so that the higher education can contribute maximum to the progress and development of the country. The problems like accessibility of higher education to everyone, lack of infrastructure, lack of adequate human resources and their accountability, examinations and evaluation process needs immediate attention etc. Educationists must consider these problems in context to present globalization. During the process of expansion of higher education, regulatory bodies should be very careful for the quality of education. This paper discuss the problems and their solutions and feel that solving the problems itself is a big challenge now-a-days.
Key words: lack of adequate colleges and teaching faculty, accountability, globalization, examination and evaluation, and financial crunch.
* Research scholar, Dept. of Education, University of Lucknow
Combating the Problems of Higher Education : A Big Challenge
Education is an essential for the growth and prosperity of both a nation. Along with from primary and secondary education, higher education is one of the main instrument for development and transformation of a country. Higher education has the omnipotent role of preparing future leaders for different spheres of life- social, economic, political, scientific and technological. Higher education is the mandate to bridge the knowledge gap between countries and communities, enriching
References: 1. India, National Knowledge Commission,(2009), Report to the Nation 2006-9 2. Pradhan N (2012). Quality of Indian Higher Education: Policy Perspectives, University News, Vol.50, No. 31. 3. Singh K.P. and Shakeel Ahamad (2011). Higher Education In India: Major Concerns, University News, Vol.49, No 29. 4. Bora Abhijit (2011). Higher Education in India : A Few Aspects Needing Attention, University News,Vol.49, No.20. 5. Kanunjna D (2012). Higher Education in India : Some Relevant Issues and Concerns, University News, Vol. 50, No 14. 6. MHRD (2011). Report of the Task Force on Faculty Shortage and Design of Performance Appraisal system. -