COM 115
Corporation Background
Comcast Corporation was founded June 28, 1963 by Ralph J. Roberts, Daniel Aaron, and Julian A. Brodsky. “Comcast is one of the nation’s leading providers of communications, entertainment, and cable products and services. Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, they employ over 100,000 employees nationwide” (Comcast, 2010). The five general areas that make up Comcast are cable communications, cable networks, broadcast television, filmed entertainment, and theme parks. The two major areas of Comcast are cable communications and cable networks since they primarily consist of high-speed internet and cable television. The most popular technology that Comcast has created is Xfinity. This product allows for on-demand television and internet access. The combination of cable, internet, and telephone services has allowed them to surpass fifty million customers (O’Shea, 2012).With millions of users, this is where they make the majority of their money. One of the negative aspects of Comcast within the past year is that they have been losing thousands of customers through other products like Netflix. Because of this, they have recently exposed a new product that should gain back all of the customers they lost. “Comcast has launched a new store that enables US Xfinity TV customers to buy movies and TV shows. Titles purchased through the new Xfinity On Demand store belong to a user, and can be streamed as many times as they wish on their TV, computer, or mobile device” (McCormick, 2013). This new advancement in their services will keep them on top of other competitors such as DirecTV and Netflix. Another important aspect of Comcast’s success is the various digital media and ventures that they own. Based on the Columbia Journalism Review, Comcast owns part of Hulu, TiVO, and VeriSign (Columbia, 2013). These three services are very popular and can really benefit Comcast with