HRM Responsibilities 4
External Environment Influence 4
HRM Challenges in 21st Century 6
Chapter 2 - Putting People First for Organizational Success 7
The Evidence that high involvement/high performance/high commitment managerial practices work 7
Seven Practices of Successful Organizations 7
Implementation of the seven practices of successful organizations 9
Problems that organizations face: 9
Managers are Enslaved by short term pressures 9
Organizations Tend to Destroy Competence 9
Managers do not delegate enough 10
Perverse Norms about what constitutes good management 10
Chapter 3 - The Legal Environment 11
The concept of Jurisdiction: 11
- Employment Standards Act 12
Employment Rights at “Common Law” 12
- Human Rights Legislation 14
- Employment Equity and Pay Equity Legislation 16
- Privacy Legislation 18
Health and Safetly Legislation 18
Collective Bargaining Agreement: 18
Chapter 4 - Unions: Structure, Functions, and History 19
Union Structure and Functions 19
Terms 20
Key Features of Union Structure (Canada vs. US) 20
Other Notes 20
Chapter 5 - Collective Bargaining Rights 22
- Employees join unions in order to maintain or improve their terms of employment and ensure that they are fairly represented when dealing with the employer – by joining a union, their bargaining power increases. Reasons for unionization: 22
Reasons why majority of employees (70%) do not join a union: 22
Union certification process: 23
When is certification allowed? 25
What constitutes “appropriate bargaining unit”? 25
- Determination of union support 25
Employer Unfair Labour Practices: 26
Permitted Employer Conduct during an Organizing campaign: 26
- Unfair Union Labour Practices 27
Possible rulings for unfair labour practice cases: 27
- Decertification 28
- Successor Rights 28
Chapter 6 - Recruitment and Selection 29
Human Resources Planning 29
Steps in HRP 29
1) Develop the Human Resources Objective 29
2) Forecast Demand 29
3) Forecast