Communication Channel and Context Matrices
Part I – Communication Channel Matrix
Fill in descriptions of the characteristics and examples, pros, cons, and recommended etiquette of each communication channel.
Communication Channel Matrix
|Communication channel |Characteristics and |Pros |Cons |Etiquette for managers and |
| |examples | | |staff |
|Personal e-mail |Generally used for |Can keep up-to date |Company can track your|Personal e-mail should never be|
| |personal communication |with company issues if|emails, and often not |given out for company |
| |with friends and family. |normal address is |tell you that it is |communication. It is best to |
| |Often employee may give |down. |being monitored. Your |set up email account through |
| |this to an employer as | |privacy can be |company. |
| |back up email address. | |invaded. | |
|Company-wide e-mail |This is for company |Keeps share holders in|Down side is that |Managers and staff need to be a|
| |employees and share |touch with new things |companies need to be |wear of what is being posted in|
| |holders. If company has |happenings. Employees |aware of possible |the company email. Make sure |
| |changes coming up, job |can apply for higher |issues that should not|the email goes to who it is |
| |postings, or good news |job positions. |be sent in companywide|directed, or everyone can see.