The meeting itself was as a result of the early morning revelation made by McGeorge Bundy, JFKs national security assistant. He had, on the morning of October 16th 1962, brought the president high altitude photographs taken from U-2 planes flying over Cuba. They showed Soviet soldiers hurriedly and secretly selling up nuclear-armed missiles. JFK had been aware of weaponry being sent to Cuba by the Soviet but had chosen not to protest, but warned that if Soviets ever introduced offensive weapons then “the gravest issues would arrive”. Unfortunately, on the 16th October, it seemed like this time had come and so JFK assembled the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (Excomm) to come to an
The meeting itself was as a result of the early morning revelation made by McGeorge Bundy, JFKs national security assistant. He had, on the morning of October 16th 1962, brought the president high altitude photographs taken from U-2 planes flying over Cuba. They showed Soviet soldiers hurriedly and secretly selling up nuclear-armed missiles. JFK had been aware of weaponry being sent to Cuba by the Soviet but had chosen not to protest, but warned that if Soviets ever introduced offensive weapons then “the gravest issues would arrive”. Unfortunately, on the 16th October, it seemed like this time had come and so JFK assembled the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (Excomm) to come to an