Hospitality is a difficult concept to define; numerous authors suggest it is both a social and commercial activity (Lugosi 2008). Nevertheless it’s important to highlight a dominant theme in accepted definitions of hospitality. Brotherton (1999) defined hospitality as “a contemporaneous human exchange, which is voluntarily entered into, and designed to enhance the mutual well-being of the parties concerned through the provision of accommodation, and/or food and drink”. Lashley (2000) sees hospitality as an overlap of three spatial domains including private, social and commercial. Thus hospitality is a broad conception in which social, domestic or private and commercial forms are found. The following essay will encompass arguments that suggest though commercial hospitality holds common themes and values as hospitality in the home, it is not just an extension, rather it’s seen as its own domain.
Hospitality within a commercial context can be described as a formal and balanced system of (monetary) exchange whereby hospitality is provided in particular institutional forms such as hotels and restaurants that are fundamentally impersonal (Wood 1994). Wood (1994) explains how commercial hospitality is different to hospitality in the home as it’s no longer about the giving of the host’s personal food, drink and accommodation, instead it’s simply an impersonal financial exchange.
O’Gorman (2009) traces commercial hospitality back to at least 2000AD through research of Mesopotamia where hostels and inns were found and controlled by the laws of the time. Commercial activity that reflects modern day hospitality such as large hotels and food and beverage outlets were also discovered in cities such as Pompeii. Literature shows that by 400BC commercial hospitality was vital and necessary to bring traders and tourists to the cities as a key source of revenue. In examining commercial