There are many reasons on why they’re endangered. One of the main reasons is because they were hunted and some still are hunted at a very large rate. Even their name “Right Whale” signifies on them being hunted. When wailing these were the right whale to kill. “Because females do not become sexually mature until ten years of age and give birth to a single calf after a yearlong pregnancy, populations grow slowly.” (Chadwick 1-7). So yet another reason why they face mass…
Whale fishing, also known as whaling, is a traditional fishing activity which existing thousands of years in the world. Fisherman fishing whales, sell of whale meat and oil to make money. With the development of modern fishing technology, industrial fishing gradually replaces a large number of private fishing activities, which made whaling easier and more efficient. Greenpeace International’s data showed “Commercial whaling during the last century decimated most of the world's whale populations. Estimates suggest that between 1925, when the first whaling factory ship was introduced, and 1975, more than 1.5 million whales were killed in total” (“Waling”). World Wildlife Fund stated that there is less than one hundred thousand whales remain in the world, and listed 7 out of the 13 great whale species as endangered animal. Which can proved that industrial fishing is the main reason lead whales endangered.…
This year alone, Japan plans to kill 333 Minke Whales for “scientific research” and uses this reason to help deter outsiders from their commercial fishing mentions Melissa Chan in her article called Japan Sets Out to Kill Hundreds of Minke Whales Despite Global Opposition. Due to this recent announcement the global community has been in an uproar and demands an immediate halt to Japans whaling. This has been an on going issue for multiple years and has become such a problem that the International Union For Conservation Of Nature recommended specific quotas for every country. Japan is one of the only countries that still practices whaling at an alarming rate and sells these animals meat at fishing markets despite its unpopularity now for most…
The Japanese whale hunters also believe that placing a ban on whaling rather than hunting other species is a bit conflicting. For instance, a very important ingredient in Japanese cuisine, Bluefin tuna, is way more endangered than the Minke whales that the Japanese hunt. Also fishermen share the opinion that if whaling is considered cruel, so is the slaughtering of cattle in the factory farming system, which is globally accepted (Zhang, 2015). Still, the main reason why the Japanese hunt whales is the annual yield of…
But governments have always sought ways to circumvent international agreements that attempt to create protected areas or species. Thus, a ban on the catch of blue whales in the Antarctic, was presented the proposal to declare a subspecies, the dwarf blue whale, that this was not…
I do not think whales should be in captivity because whales are way too big to be in takes at seaworld the whales can’t even move around in the tank, imagine you are living in the entire ocean and then you just get pulled out and get put in a tank where you can’t even move. I think that they just want a bigger crowd because it means they would get more money. Whales should not be in captivity because the tanks are way to small, Trainers don't not feed the whale enough, and people don’t have the best interest in the whales.…
While they are not an endangered species, they are hunted mercilessly by the fish industry especially off the coasts of China, Japan and parts of the North Pacific by the Russians (Ivashchenko 73). This extreme hunting has left the oceans with an unknown number of whales and thus, keeping them in facilities such as SeaWorld helps to replenish their numbers. However, since SeaWorld no longer catches or buys wild whales and instead breeds them for the very purpose of continuing the gene pool as Hardgrove describes in his book, it doesn’t help any animals still left in the wild. In fact, having such high numbers in captivity, while still allowing whaling practices to continue, we encourage whaling to go on. We can’t both praise whale captivity, and leave whales in nature to fend for themselves if we are really worried about…
“Blue Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment. During the 20th century, the blue whale was an important whaling target and even after it was protected and commercial whaling stopped in 1966, exploitation efforts by the former Soviet Union persisted. “(World Wildlife Fund) Studies by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have shown that the estimated population of Chilean Blue Whales is fewer than 250 mature individuals. (Williams et. al, 2011) It is hard to estimate exactly how much of these species there are because they are almost extinct in the Chilean area. Conservation of the environment is very important so that’s why regulations have been created to try to conserve species like Blue Whales. (Wiley et. al, 2008)…
Immoral and unfair to profit from the mistreatment of animals. The main attraction at many marine park continues to remain the killer whale, without them, attendance at shows would drop. The companies want to keep attendance and profit…
The capturing of Orcas in the ocean who are healthy and with their family is a problem. They are separating them from the only thing that they know and are comfortable with. They go from this vast open waters to a small tank that has nothing in it. It’s as if being taken from one’s home and being put in a cell and forced to perform.…
The viewing of whaling today is almost exactly the same as it was back in the 1800's. But it is viewed that way for a different reason. The reason it is viewed that way is because certain species of whales are on the brink of extinction but the whalers are not taking that into consideration when they are going out and hunting these…
Waling is no longer technically legal for these reasons but some countries still do so even though there are substitutes for most of what whaling was used for. Whaling was important though in the sense that it had an incredible impact on America’s economy. Conclusion Whaling was a vital aspect that enabled the success of the American economy and the whaling profession and by-product of it influenced trade internationally between America and Europe.…
The history of commercial whaling is a long dark period in our time. It is full of the bloodshed of many innocent creatures. When commercial whaling started in 1910 the average numbers of whales killed per year were around 12,000. Then 30 years later the number jumped to 40,000. This was decimating to the whale populations, some near the brink of extinction. Then in 1946 the IWC (International Whaling Commission) was formed. The IWC was created to help the regulation of whaling. They placed moratorium on commercial whaling, thus banning its practices. But by the time this happened the whale populations were dwindling and the prey from these creatures were gaining numbers. Now the numbers of whales are…
Risenhoover, A. (2012). Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; False Killer Whale Take Reduction Plan. Federal Register, 77(230), 71260-71286.…
Imagine that you are at soccer practice, a few days before a game. You sprain your ankle in the middle of drills, and you have to sit out for the rest of practice with ice. When you go home that night, your ankle is puffy and you can barely walk on it. Even though you are in tremendous pain, you still play at the game that you did not want to miss. Does this make sense? It is common sense to stop doing something if there is already a problem. You do not want to make it worse. In Japan, people catch and kill whale species that are already endangered. While some people believe that this is perfectly ok, whaling needs to be stopped because some whales are endangered and whale meat is not even used anymore.…