Main Body In the State of Indiana, when there is a vacancy for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, the state uses an independent commission of judicial qualification to present nominees to the Governor which then chooses one individual to get the spot (Ballotpedia). The commission of judicial qualifications is a seven …show more content…
The advantages of a commission driven approach to the Courts of Appeals and Supreme Court are useful due to the impact that the position will have on case law that will affect every individual in the State of Indiana. It removes the political element by giving the choice to individuals that have a variety of interests and political neutrality. The disadvantages of a commission driven approach comes from the interests that put the individuals on the commission and since the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court is chosen by the commission, an individual may have favors to return. The partisan election method involves some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages come from the fact that the election is localized to each of the counties of Indiana which allows the citizens to get to know the judge and his judicial philosophy. The risk comes from the fact that judges are relying on a political party to be its main road of support which can cloud the perspective of the judge. Furthermore, the qualifications of who can be a judge in the state of Indiana is restrictive which creates a small pool of candidates to draw from which reduces the amount of competitive races. The advantage of partisan elections is that voters can see the judges in their hometowns consistently to make an informed