Although there is some suggestive evidence that Common Core will create students prepared for college and career when they finish high school, research also reveals negative findings in the literature. The Common Core Standards assessments are still under construction, in a manner of speaking. Assessment cost, a significant issue, is found interconnected with politics and especially since there is such controversy surrounding standardized testing, and the controversy has only intensified with the implementation of Common Core (Chingos 2013). Sending a clear message, standardized tests, predict how and what teachers teach. The need to make test performance the top priority is changing the curriculum in schools. Then, in Critical Supports for Secondary Educators in Common Core State Standard Implementation, the authors propose the missing link in the Common Core initiative is a collaborative professional development strategy that increases teacher knowledge and skills (247). This expectation, in turn, will require continued professional development efforts in all schools during implementation. Research must also address teacher beliefs and preparation when discussing the application of the reforms because of the significant impact teachers have on student achievement (Desimone 183). Even though Common Core is a recent development, many questions remain unanswered. Common Core …show more content…
However, gleaned from this research review and causing concern for educators everywhere, student test scores effect teacher and administrator evaluations (Briggs 24-29). Cumulative information on funding Common Core, the hardships of implementation, and the failure of appropriate planning is mostly missing in the research studies. Even though controversy exists, the Common Core State Standards include what students should know in English and math to be successful in college and