Alessandro Volta(1745-1827)
An Italian Physicist who was a pioneer in the development of electricity. He created the first electric battery in 1800. This battery gave the world its first continuous, reliable source of electric current, and led to all important discoveries of the use of electricity. The unit of measuring electromotive force (emf), Volt(v) is named after him. He also proposed the law that the air expands at a constant rate with increasing temperature.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
German mathematical physicist. Famous for the theory of relativity. Motion is relative and there fore, can be measured only in relation with something else. According to him, the only unchanging quantity is the speed of light. His work led on to the making of nuclear bomb. He established the relationship between mass and energy with the famous equation E=mc2 . He received the Nobel prize in 1921.
Archimedes(287 BC-212 BC)
The ancient Greek mathematician who arrived at many important results in geometry, mechanics and hydrostatics. He defined the value of pi and obtained formula for curved surface areas and volumes of various solids. He is most famous for the principle of displacement named after him.
George Boolie(1815-1864)
The self taught English mathematician who produced important works in many areas such as calculus and the theory of probability. He produced the methods of producing statements using a simple set of symbols. an interpretation of Boolean Algebra is the basis of digital processes in modern computers.
Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)
A brilliant mathematician, physicist, religious thinker, and the founder of the modern theory of probability. He made mercury barometer and measured atmospheric pressure. The invention of mercury barometer paved the way for further studies in hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. He also invented the mechanical calculator, the syringe and created hydraulic press
Rene Descartes(1596-1650)
A French