off from society, that they would be more satisfied with laws they instituted themselves, rather than those forced upon them. He then goes on to attack the British form of government, he says their system is overly complex and full of contradictions. Furthermore, he says the King has too much power, and their system lacks checks and balances. He then goes on to say that the divine right of kings is unnatural and that men were created equal. Paine argues that when the world was young there were no kings and the world was peaceful. As Paine says “it is the pride of kings which throw mankind into confusion.” He even remarks that it was Heathens who first introduced the world to this form of government, then he goes on to reference the Bible and God's displeasure towards the jews for attempting to establish a King. Even if they were to establish a king, what right does the son of him have to take up kingship? This, as Paine says, has only led to incompetent kings, corruption, and civil war. Finally, Paine begins applying all this to his time period.
While some had argued that their relationship with Britain was fruitful, Paine agrees that it had been fruitful but now it was time for America to evolve, just as a kid grows up. He also states that Britain is only invested in America for their own economic reasons. In addition, Paine says Britain's friendship has turned to hostility recently and they no longer deserve America's loyalty. He says Britain is not the parent of America, instead, he says all of Europe is the parent, for America has people from all over Europe. Therefore he says there is little to gain from staying attached to Britain as they can better trade with the rest of Europe. For these reasons, he urges Americans to break free of British oppression. He even proposes a representative democracy as a way to govern themselves. He then goes into further detail as to how America could break free and why now is the perfect time to do it. He presents some calculation as to how America could match the British navy. The reason they could match it is that “The English list of ships of war, is long and formidable, but not a tenth part of them are at any one time fit for service.” He also says now is a perfect time because their numbers are few and the land it great, the land can be sold to pay off debts and support their new government. Also once they declare independence they might be able to seek help from countries like France or
Spain. I believe that this document was very influential in providing a push for independence. He first settled theoretical issues such as what Government should be and why the forms of government they were subjected to were so unjust. He then goes on to the real issues of how and why they should break free of Britain. Due to his writing style, it slowly brings you to the point of totally agreeing with his call for independence, and that is why I believe it was so influential.