Ozamiz City
“Common Sickness Experienced by Seafarers
:Causes, Remediation and Prevention”
Abergas, Jan Fred M.
March 11, 2013
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Common Forms of Sickness 1. Injuries A. Eye injuries B. Head injuries C. Bone, Joint and Muscle injuries 2. Diseases a. Skin disease b. Infections disease c. Respiratory disease
3. Poisoning a. Toxic b. Venom c. Poisoning from exposure to gases or vapors d. Food poisoning
III. Causes of Illness 1. Accidents 2. Bacteria 3. Virus 4. Chemical Exposure
IV. Remediation 1. First Aid 2. Herbal Cure 3. Protections 4. Medical Assistance
V. Conclusion / Summary
Chapter I
Seafarers both work and live in the same place for varying lengths of time, at times away from their usual place of residence. Seafarers’ stays being restricted more or less to port towns or cities, they are therefore, at the risk of contracting infectious sickness at ports of call in different countries. It can be argued out that, with “turn around” times at ports of call being short at present, the risk should be considered less; however, this is not the situation as demonstrated by some studies conducted in the recent past. It may be that other factors such as recruiting seafarers from countries where certain infectious diseases are endemic without conducting a proper pre-recruitment medical examination, sexual behavior on board, intra-venous drug abuse on board, living in close proximity to infected carriers, use of unhygienic food and water obtained at ports of call for consumption on board can still, cause infectious diseases among international seafarers. The effort of reducing and combating the rapid global spread of infectious diseases is no simple task. The causes are multifaceted and thought to be identified before seeking their control. Most infectious diseases are
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