If you’re Asian people expect you to be on top of your game and to excel in math. They already know that math will be your best subject and this is where the stereotype comes in. Everyone believes that every Asian loves math and that’s not true. Not all Asian like math and not all Asian will go into engineering. Asian people have a beautiful culture and stereotypes are destroying their culture. Stereotypes are giving people false image about what their culture is really all about. Asian parents don’t dishonor their children or punish them when they get an A on a test no I bet it’s the opposite. When an Asian kid gets an A on a test they probably get awarded just like other kids. The stereotypes are like false advertisement. They’re telling you about something that’s not real. The Asian Culture is beautiful and amazing. Not all Asian people will love math or go into a career that involved a lot of math. People need to do some research because this stereotype is false and the more we expect it the more it’s going to replace the real Asian culture. I have a friend and he’s Chinese and he’s good in math but he’s majoring in a career that doesn’t require math and when he gets an A or a B on a test his parents doesn’t punish him matter of fact his parents does what other parents do, they celebrate and in courage him to continue to do good. They want the best for him. They don’t want him to fail or not have fun, they want both. My friend not only gets good grades but he ran tracks. Back in high school he ran track and won a lot of completion his parents didn’t have any problem about that matter of fact they support him. They care about the grade but they told him for him to continue to play this sport he had to keep up the work and he did. It’s not like the stereotype where the parents only care about him getting A++, they also want him to have fun and trust me he didn’t get punish for not getting an A. Stereotypes are made by people who have nothing do or who hate a certain group. These people are in a stereotype group themselves, they might not know it but they are in it. Other people probably put them there. Stereotypes are nothing but trouble, once you start one you just started a problem that can go on for ages. For us to stop stereotype we have to not group people by what a certain group of their kind do ,but to research and visit where they’re from and to understand more about their culture. Like I said before stereotype are like false advertise they tell you stuff that are not true and it’s up to you to find the real facts.
If you’re Asian people expect you to be on top of your game and to excel in math. They already know that math will be your best subject and this is where the stereotype comes in. Everyone believes that every Asian loves math and that’s not true. Not all Asian like math and not all Asian will go into engineering. Asian people have a beautiful culture and stereotypes are destroying their culture. Stereotypes are giving people false image about what their culture is really all about. Asian parents don’t dishonor their children or punish them when they get an A on a test no I bet it’s the opposite. When an Asian kid gets an A on a test they probably get awarded just like other kids. The stereotypes are like false advertisement. They’re telling you about something that’s not real. The Asian Culture is beautiful and amazing. Not all Asian people will love math or go into a career that involved a lot of math. People need to do some research because this stereotype is false and the more we expect it the more it’s going to replace the real Asian culture. I have a friend and he’s Chinese and he’s good in math but he’s majoring in a career that doesn’t require math and when he gets an A or a B on a test his parents doesn’t punish him matter of fact his parents does what other parents do, they celebrate and in courage him to continue to do good. They want the best for him. They don’t want him to fail or not have fun, they want both. My friend not only gets good grades but he ran tracks. Back in high school he ran track and won a lot of completion his parents didn’t have any problem about that matter of fact they support him. They care about the grade but they told him for him to continue to play this sport he had to keep up the work and he did. It’s not like the stereotype where the parents only care about him getting A++, they also want him to have fun and trust me he didn’t get punish for not getting an A. Stereotypes are made by people who have nothing do or who hate a certain group. These people are in a stereotype group themselves, they might not know it but they are in it. Other people probably put them there. Stereotypes are nothing but trouble, once you start one you just started a problem that can go on for ages. For us to stop stereotype we have to not group people by what a certain group of their kind do ,but to research and visit where they’re from and to understand more about their culture. Like I said before stereotype are like false advertise they tell you stuff that are not true and it’s up to you to find the real facts.