Individual self-expression is important: Example 1: “‘I’m still crazy. The rain feels good. I love to walk in it.’” Pg 21
This quote came from Clarisse, she talks about her enjoyment of the rain and expresses herself. She admits to being “crazy” in the world they live in but she is written as a happy person. A person who feels, not just survives.
Example 2: “‘The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless.’” Pg 83
This is a quote from Faber. The “comfortable” people don’t want individuality which makes it all the more important. They only want the glossed over beings, the ones that lack pores and depth to their character. They are expressionless and become monotone driving the importance of individuality.
Mindless pleasure-seeking and materialism make for an empty life:
Example 1: “‘It’ll be even more fun when we can afford to have the fourth wall installed... It’s only two thousand dollars.’ That’s one-third my yearly pay’” Pg 20 This is a conversation between Millie and Montag. Though they recently had the third wall installed Millie is wanting yet another. She doesn’t respect the cost of things because she doesn’t work. She has an empty life and is likely why she tried to overdose on pills earlier on.
Example 2: “‘I’ll let Pete do all the worrying.’ She giggled. ‘I’ll let old Pete do the worrying. Not me. I’m not worried.’ ... Montag said nothing but looked at the women’s faces...[trying] to feel touched and concerned by the meaning of colorful men and women with porcelain eyes and the blood-ruby lips. But there was nothing” Pg 95-96 The women spend all their time watching the walls submerged into the family. They then have no substance. No concern for what’s going on around them, the war, their children, they don’t think. When Montag begins to read to then they are shocked due to their emptiness.
Humanity has the ability to be reborn or revived:
Example 1: “‘There was a