In 1911, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is the major financial establishment among the country founded by government and it started operating in 1912 both as saving and general bank ( The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is one of Australia’s driving monetary organizations. So customer feel consoled that their funds will be in safer hands. It is leading provider of integrated financial service like retail banking, superannuation, insurance, investment etc. Their main purpose is securing and enhancing financial status of people ( Future goal includes providing customer with superior offering at lower cost through key growth businesses like internet based product ( Therefore main competitor of commonwealth bank is National Australia bank ( On the other side, CBA has robust market and business position in retail market of Australia (Nico and Gavin, 2014). This assignment includes pestle analysis of choosing company of commonwealth bank.
CBA capital position are neutral as measured by RAC and standard ratio. Therefore CBA …show more content…
Therefore while plaining for future commonwealth bank should have to take some factor in concern that their action maintain long term sustainability of environment and business or bring long term benefit to public. Therefore bank have also to display community action, medical, youth, science and technology, the arts and the environment are their region of specific importance. Whereas legally, complexity about to solve particular issue will be reviewed by panel in future cases. Overall, commonwealth from its long term success in banking system, are continues to provide excellent customer