Highgate Hotel website provided all the information needed to encourage applicants to apply online, discover opportunities and gain extraordinary benefits such as high salary, medical, dental, health, retirement, disability, family protection, travel and other benefits. They also have a quick search and social media promotion online. Furthermore, they also assure applicants about long term career, unlimited growth and advancement opportunities (Highgate Hotel, 2014).
Because of the high demand and volatility of applicants, hotels are also …show more content…
They must also exercise higher online exposure and information to communicate their brand and manpower needs, but part of the challenge is that more companies are also learning to engage in online recruitment.
1. Aggressive competition and talent war is expected to be one of the biggest problems in recruitment, especially when the millennial generation are aware and intend to seek different needs and benefits (Syrett & Lamminman, 2004).
2. Skills shortages and mismatches caused by the changing behavior, attitude and reliance to technology of the millennial generation are currently causing recruitment problems.
Purpose of the Study – the purpose of the study is to identify the luxury hotels in their recognition to the millennial generation and how they are affecting their recruitment process.
1. The objective of the study to identify the measures or changes in strategies in recruitment that they have developed or undertake to compare this measure to this previous recruitment process.
2. The study will also identify the character differences or needs of millennial employees compared to the previous generations to answer the root cause or drivers that motivate them in the selection of work …show more content…
The millennial generation is the young employee or applicant at the age of 18 to mid 30’s that is expected to gain the mainstream of the workplace equipped with knowledge and technological efficiency. But they are also distinguished with critical behavior and work attitude based on several studies and survey, it show that they are also the generation with the highest rate of turnover (Kowske, Rasch & Wiley, 2010). Shortages of talent and recruitment process have become the major