Fill-in the letter corresponding to the disease which manifests the stated characteristics:
A. Varicella ____Major risk for fetus: demise, IUGR, cardiac, eye and ear defects.
B. Coxsackie ____Mumps, with complications of orchitis, unilateral deafness
C. Diptheria ____A gram positive diplococcus causes pneumonia, OM,bacteremia & meningigits.
D. Erythema Infectiousum ____Whooping cough; paroxysmal cough, esp nocturnal.
E. HIB ____Epstein-Barr virus; herpes group. Accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly, Fever, tonsillitis, lymphadenopathy.
F. Lyme Disease ____Fifth’s Disease; slapped cheeks. Not contagious after the rash appears; Assoc. with fetal demise with exposure in first trimester.
G. Rubeola ____Erythema Migrans; often in the groin, axilla, thigh.
H. Mononucleosis ____Haemophilus Influenza Type B; a bacteria that causes respiratory illness, OM, sepsis, epiglottitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
I. Parotitis ____Causes common cold, pharyngitis, pneumonia, hand, foot and mouth disease, and herpangina.
J. Pertussis ____Incubation period 14-21 days;tear drop on a rose petal; contagious until crusted over.
K. Pneumococcus ____Characteristic membraneous lesion covers posterior pharynx and tonsils; resp. distress.
L. Poliomyelitis ____Parasitic infection transmitted during nocturnal blood meal; non-specific symptoms. Associated with cyclic fevers Q 48-72 hrs.
M. Rabies ____Prodromal phase with fever, cough, coryza, Koplik spots and maculopapular rash.
N. Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever ____Attacks the nervous system causing paralysis, lock jaw and respiratory diffic.; no medic to treat it.
O. Roseola ____Infected saliva from affected host; affects CNS and salivary glands.
P. Rubella ____High fever 2-3 wks, malaise, myalgia, HA, chills, conjunctival