Robot’s plays vital role in industrial Automation, Automobile, Communication, Bio medical, Weather fore costing and much more areas.
Robot’s are man made machine to do continuous operation with out nest. Old generation robots are programmed for one single continuous work. New generation robots are very intelligent, which can perform various works simultaneously.
We would like to develop a real working model robot to handle various functions which are essential nowadays world.
We would like to develop the robot using state of art embedded technology to reduce the complexity in design and to achieve maximized output with minimized input.
The robot in our mind is expected to perform various works like moving Forward, Reverse, turning left and right, with super intelligence like detecting the obstacle, finding
Bombs on its route path finding, image capturing, voice detection and recording with mechanical connectional records etc...
We would like to use PIC 16C774 latest microchip Embedded controller because of its unique built in features.
PIC 16C774 Embedded micro controller has lot of built in features like,
a). Built in 10 channel 12bit ADC - Analog interface b). Built in PWM module - Electrical interface c). Ports - Digital d) RAM & EPROM - Memory e). USART for - PC interface f). High Speed - 9600/19200 baud rate
Only 35 single word instructions to learn PIC16C774 controller is a power full tool for automation and the chip is most compatible for our project.
PIC16C774 will be coupled to the computer using proper interpreter protocols. The chip using is available in normal 40 pin DIP package.
A real movable mechanical model also will be developed to ensure our reality