My key communication strategy involved in my approach is tailoring the message. This strategy focuses on designing the communication for an individual based on information and data from the individual. As a result, I need to make sure that my legislator understands and identifies cultural codes reflected through the symbols, metaphors, and visuals I use to present my case. By tailoring the message, I will be seeking to create communication that is individualized to my receiver fin this case the legislator with the hope that this individualization will eventually lead to larger intended effects of this …show more content…
Since the enactment of the Obamacare in 2010, the number of individuals visiting our medical facilities has doubled and thus, there is the need for the government to increase the number of healthcare providers to ensure that health care services flow and are of high quality. As a result, I would recommend to the government to increase the number of nurses who are in demand to administer medication and treatment to these individuals.
Meeting with my member of Congress can be the turning point of influencing the legislative process, but the truth is that it is not as simple as many individuals would anticipate or think. After the meeting, I would write down my impressions, and any information learned about the legislators’ position or concerns regarding the Obamacare. This would guide my follow ups to see to that or to remind him of the issues affecting our health sector. Moreover, I would follow up the meeting with a thank you letter or mail as well as reiterate the key points and commitments the legislator promised to