Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
Outcome 1
Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults.
1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults
A central part of a teaching assistant role is to help children develop positive relationship with children and adults. Children will not only learn cognitive skills while at school, they need to learn how to work and play together, understanding each other’s boundaries, turn taking, different backgrounds and cultures.
In order to ensure children form positive relationships it is important for all teaching staff and volunteers that have contact with the children/young people that we act as good role models. By witnessing their peers interacting with other members of staff in a positive way will help influence them on how to treat their friends/peers/adults etc. Having a good relationship between adults; * Promotes good communication * Leads to a productive working environment * Gives the right message to children * Encourages co-operation
Just like adults children need to feel valued and respected by others around them and, this will form a good basis for their learning, therefore I need to demonstrate good relationships in my interactions with all children and adults in order for me to be an effective role model.
As teaching assistants we have contact with a range of teachers and outside professional as well as parents. Demonstrating that I know and understand the boundaries of the information that can be passed on and the importance of observing school policies around confidentiality. By having a good working relationship with all the people I work with creates a happy and welcoming atmosphere which forms a positive environment for the pupils.
“When communicating with children we need to be clear and