By: Chyanne Cepeda, Danielle Robison, Jamikka
Waremercer, Joevak Wilson, and Roxannalee
Communication in the Organization
Inside and Outside
Communication helps individuals and groups coordinate activities to achieve goals, and it’s vital in socialization, decision-making, problem-solving and change-management processes.
Classes and Seminars
Business Development Sessions
Delivery Methods of Communication
• Exhibits and Videos
• Translation of Documents into other languages
• Fact Sheets and Presentations
• Internet, Telephone, and Television
• Mailings and Public Notices
Promoting by Ways of Communication
• Celebrations and Special Events
• Social Media Tools
• Traditional Media
• Public Hearings and Public Meetings
• Berg, P. (2013). Social Media and Communicating with
Employees. Retrieved from http:// yees_b_2666216.html
Berger, B. (2011). Employee/Organizational
Communications. Retrieved from /
Tools for Teams. (2014). Retrieved from http:// Media Opportunities for This
• Internet Marketing
• Online marketing is the mainstream channel
• Advertising to public a digital freeway and can be affective
• Word of mouth advertising, and professional relationships,
• referrals are a significant section of well-constructed
marketing plans because they harbor big benefits-not only for solo or specialty practitioners, but for hospitals, physician
Healthcare referrals are the financial lifeblood of many hospitals and practices. Referrals are great just no deep dependence. Branding
• This is a powerful way for healthcare organizations to build a
good reputation.
Influential audiences can be reached
Branding takes being meaningful and effective for the right message to be
References: • Anthony, L. (2014). Effective communication in a team. Retrieved from http:// • Bowen, R. (2012). Implementing Best Communication Practices With Your Project Team. Bright Hub PM. Retrieved from