1. When you picture people you talk to on the telephone, through email or in newsgroups (such as in your Kaplan class) before meeting them face to face, does your expectation of how they will look usually turn out to be accurate?
When I picture people that I have never met before, sometimes I’m close to what I expected. These days you just can’t always tell and I’ve learned that people with deep voices usually look the opposite of how they sound. You can put a face with a voice and be used to talking with that person, then the minute you see them it’s like a totally different picture.
2. What vocal and nonverbal cues did they use that led to your picture of how they would look?
I have met someone over the internet before and the pictures they displayed gave me a sense of what they looked like and saw him in person and didn’t look like the same. The voice didn’t go with the look and the pictures were a few years old. A guy once told me that he went to the health club everyday to work out, so I’m picturing a well built guy with a deep voice. His voice was sort of raspy and I instantly thought he was a smoker. Turns out, he was the total opposite of the above features and was close to 300 lbs and rather unattractive but had that nice deep raspy voice.
3. How are nonverbal cues displayed in computer mediated communication (emails and newsgroups)?
While computer-mediated communication use and research are proliferating rapidly, findings offer contrasting images regarding the interpersonal character of this technology. Research trends over the history of these media are reviewed with observations across trends suggested so as providing integrative principles with which to apply media to different circumstances. First, the notion that the media reduce personal influences their impersonal effects is reviewed. Newer theories and research are noted explaining normative “interpersonal” uses