Which one of us did not text or email friends in order to avoid the burden of talking to them directly or did not reach for his/her smart phone while socializing? In the past, these options did not exist and we had to interact in a more intimate way. Our modern generation is always looking for short-cuts and alternatives that will save us time. We want everything instantly, looking for immediate satisfaction. That is the reason why internet and smart phones became extremely popular - they make our life easier, but also changed the way we communicate. While in the past we had closer more personal relationships with each other, nowadays we take advantage of internet and texting in order to avoid real connection.
Once upon a time, parents use to read stories to their children before they go to sleep. Parents used to watch movies with their kids, dance and sing with them. Families often set together for dinner, while talking with each other. Nowadays, many parents are neglecting these important tasks, preferring to text or play with their smart phones instead of investing time for their kids. Sherry Turkle said in an interview for NPR radio: “to me the two rules are: It shouldn't be at the dinner table because those are the times when I find kids complaining that their parents are texting at the dinner table and using their Blackberrys at the dinner table. I think the dinner table should be a kind of sacred space, when families need to come together, no matter how much technology they need to use at other times and places.
So you don't use it at dinner. You don't use it at the playground when your kid is trying to show off you his moves or her moves. That's not the time to be buried in your phone”. Parents’ attention is extremely important for a child, which feels rejected and insecure when s/he noticed their parent surfing the web instead of paying attention to him/her. This can have negative effects on kids, for instance,