Introduction 3
Definitions of Key Terms 4
Communication Elements 4
Self Perception 8
Intercultural Communication 9
Listening 10
Barriers to Effective Listening 12
Critical Listening 13
Verbal Communication 13
Nonverbal communication 14
Types of nonverbal communication 14
Interpersonal relationships 16
Group Leadership 17
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 18
‘A basic concept of contemporary communication theory is that a speaker does not merely respond to the manifest content of a message, but to his or her interpretation of the speaker’s intention or meaning. I other words, I respond to what I think you meant by what you said. Such factors as the setting and occasion, the language variety or dialect, and the interpersonal relationship between speaker and listener influence message interpretation and response’
Complexities exist in the whole communication chain, at every level, there is bound to be a misunderstanding and a misconception. From the extract above, it is very clear that the listener will decide to interpret what he/she thinks the message means depending on variety of factors that surround the listener.
‘Communication is defined as any process in which people share information, ideas, and feelings. It involves not only the spoken and written word but also the body language, personal mannerisms, and style, anything that adds meaning to a message.’ Communication is a complex issue in every society. It cuts across various cultures, barriers, languages, societies, platforms. The analysis will focus on the following sections; the elements of communication, self perception, intercultural communication, the art of listening, verbal and non verbal communication, interpersonal relationships, communication at work, group leadership, and the informative speech. Challenges and the complexities arising at each level will be critically interrogated and exposed.
Definitions of Key Terms kksks Communication
Bibliography: M Houston. Our Voices. Roxbury Publishing Company. 2000 Saundra Hybels & Richard L. Weaver II. Communicating Effectively. Mcgraw-Hill Companies Inc. 2004 Golen S. A factor analysis of barriers to effective listening. The Journal of Business Communication 27. Winter. 1990 Youaver, J.B, III & Kirtley M.D. Listening styles and empathy. Southern Communication Journal. 1995. Tannen D. You just don’t understand. New York: Morrow. 1990 Burgoon J.K , Buller D.B & Woodall W.G. nonverbal Communications; The Unspoken Dialogue 2nd Edition. New York. MacGraw-Hill. 1996 Weaver R.L II. Understanding Interpersonal Communication, 7th Edition. New York. Harper/Collins. 1996 Blake R.R & Mouton J.S. The managerial grid. Houston. Gulf Publishing. 1964