Communication journal entry 2 nonverbal
Tiffany Ramsey
University of Phoenix
Communication journal entry 2 nonverbal When we are attempting to transfer our meaning to another person, we use three different modes, methods, or channels to carry our intentions. We use these modes to tell people who we are, how we experience the world, and the meaning we attach to our experience. We communicate verbally and nonverbally, and often with mixed signals or noise. When two persons, A and B, are attempting to communicate with each other, their communication is distorted by their personalities, attitudes, values, belief systems, biases, the assumptions they are making about …show more content…
each other, their experience, background, and so on. A's communication to B flows through A's screen and through B's screen. When B responds to A, B is responding to what she heard rather than what A might have intended. She shoots her message back to B through her own screen of attitudes, values, and so on, through A's screen. What is they are not understood is that the way we get messages through our screens and through another person's screen often is confusing and distorting in and of itself. We add to what we hear, we fail to hear, and we distort messages according to the modes that are used to convey messages. Nonverbal Communication - Appearance and Other Cues We say a great deal to each other about which we are and how we experience each other and the rest of the world through symbolic means. The symbolic communication mode is essentially passive, and messages emitted in this way are very easily misinterpreted. What are some of the symbols that we use? First, our choice of clothes can tell a great deal about who we are, what our values are, what our status is, how conservative or liberal we are. We associate differences in occupational status with different uniforms. The banker wears a suit; the farmer wears overalls, and so Up to 90% of all communication is nonverbal. There are many different categories of nonverbal communication. They are the following: Aesthetics, Artifacts, Chronemics, Haptics, Kinesics, Paralanguage, Physical Appearance, Proxemics, and Oculesics. Aesthetics is the study of nature, beauty and taste.
Found information states "that Aesthetics refer to environmental factors and how they are manipulated to influence our feelings and emotions". When referring to environmental factors it was including colors, lighting, spatial arrangement, and sounds. Found information also states that we "manipulate environmental factors to affect mood by controlling the setting". For example, you may change the lighting in the room to a dim to give a romantic mood for someone. an understanding of a technical concept, this study sought to determine whether a verbal instructional medium complementing a nonverbal instructional medium would result in the development of a higher level of abstract understanding of a reselected technical concept than the use of either medium alone or the verbal instructional medium supplementing the nonverbal medium. The procedure of the study involved (1) selecting a technical concept, (2) developing a subordinate hierarchy, (3) writing test materials to measure abstract learning, (4) determining the test's reliability, (5) identifying the sample, (6) collecting the data, and (7) analyzing the data. Results of the study indicated that the guidelines used to plan the verbal medium complementing the nonverbal lesson resulted in students acquiring the largest amount of abstract understanding of a technical principle. The results also indicated that intellectual maturation affected students' abilities to …show more content…
develop an abstract understanding of a technical procedure. Nonverbal communication is the single most powerful form of communication. More than voice or even words, nonverbal communication cues you in to what is on another person’s mind. The best communicators are sensitive to the power of the emotions and thoughts communicated nonverbally.
Nonverbal communication ranges from facial expression to body language. Gestures, signs, and use of space are also important in nonverbal communication. Multicultural differences in body language, facial expression, use of space, and especially, gestures, are enormous and enormously open to misinterpretation. It could take place when you walk into the building were you work. Non-verbal communication can complement or contradict the spoken message. The tone and inflection of the speaker's voice can emphasize the point, show conflict between what they are spoken and what is meant, and reinforce the emotion of the message. Body language, such as eye contact and posture, can show interest or disinterest, welcome or warn, and reveal your level of confidence. Your appearance also communicates a message to listeners. If your attire or accessories are loud and distracting, they may take away from the effectiveness of your message. Likewise, dressing appropriately and neatly adds to your credibility as a speaker.
It could be a success or it could be failure to the situation. It could be a success because they know what the problem was and how it happened so by giving feedback to clearly making yourself clear and getting all the facts out there will make it so much better for the reader and the writer. It could also be a failure as well does to people making them self is clear and not do any feedback at all.
However, most words do not, in and of themselves create reactions.
Nevertheless, when put in combination with other words, phrases can have strong effects. For example, I once had a student who wrote an informative paper on the medical techniques used for abortions. She didn't want to express a point of view about abortion, simply discuss medical techniques. However, she used the words, "Another method used to kill the baby is.” Notice the emotional impact of that phrase. Changing the words to ones that have little connotational meaning changes the effect of the same meaning. For example, "terminate the fetus" has the same meaning; however, it has far less emotional impact than "kill the baby." By choosing words according to their denotative or connotative meanings, you can increase or decrease their impact on your
audience. To answer the question of what successful real managers do, we conducted several types of analyses -- statistical (using multiple regression techniques), simple descriptive comparisons (for example, top third of managers as measured by the success index vs. bottom third), and relative strength of correlation relationships. In all of these analyses, the importance that networking played in real manager success was very apparent. Of the four real manager activities, only networking had a statistically significant relationship with success. In the comparative analysis we found that the most successful real managers were doing considerably more networking and slightly more routine communication than their least successful counterparts. From the relative strength of relationship analysis, we found that networking makes the biggest relative contribution to manager success and, importantly, a human resource management activity makes the least relative contribution.