In this assignment, I will reflect an incident happened during my clinical placement to develop my communication skills not just theoretically but in practical facing real life environment. There is a lot of factors that may influence nursing practice. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of communication in developing nurse-patient relationship. Communication in nursing as stated by Sheldon (2004) was, "Many definitions describe [communication] as a transfer of information between a source and a receiver. In nursing, communication is a sharing of health-related information between a patient and a nurse, with both participants as sources and receivers. The information may be verbal or nonverbal, written or spoken, personal or impersonal, issue-specific, or even relationship-oriented, to name a few possibilities.". The aim of this essay is to reflect what had happen during my placement and this gives me opportunity to improve my nursing care plan, which is based on the patient’s initial valuation. David Kolb,1984 said in his book called " Experiental Learning: Experience as a Source Of Learning and Development,(Kolb, 1984)'' that reflection is a way in which we examine our experiences and draw lessons from them. QIA Key Skills Support Programme(2007) added that reflection can help to bridge the gap between theory and practice and enable us to look critically at our own behaviour, the behaviour of other people and at the organizational and social context within which we operate. In my context with my event, it is important for me to improve my nurse-patient relationship in terms of communication.
In this reflection essay, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) model of reflection. This model is a recognized framework that will help me to reflect what was going on during my 16 days of clinical placement in one of major government hospital. Gibbs model of reflection consist of
References: : * Crellin.K, Copyright Springhouse Corporation ( Nov 1998) * Jasper.M (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice – Foundations in Nursing and Health Care . Gibbs reflectiv cycle description .Nelson Thornes. Cheltenham. Retrieve from * Kacperek.L (1997). Non-verbal communication ; the importance of listening. Retrieve from * Lanette L * National Cancer Institute (2003,last reviewed April 2011). Colorectal cancer. Retrieve from * NursingTimes, (2007).Communication skills [article] * Richard.S, (2003). Empathic listening. Retrieve from * Sheldon (2004p.4 & p.132). Definition of communication in nursing. How important communication is. Retrieve from * University of Miane,(1914) * World Health Organization. (2011).Palliative care. Retrieve from APPENDIX Gibbs model of reflection (1988)