Vol. 79, No. 3, September 2012, pp. 292-315
Conceptualizing Compassion as Recognizing, Relating and (Re) acting: A Qualitative Study of Compassionate Communication at Hospice Written by: Dorah Way & Sarah J. Tracy
Hospice Employees are the employees providing care to those for the sick and terminally ill; they are staffed by physicians, nurses home health aides, social workers, counselors, clergy, and community volunteers. Hospices are a specially trained team that develops a care okay to trail patients’ needs for pain. This study explores the communication of compassion at work, and extends past research on compassion, highlighting its complete nature and a model that presents its communication action. The study was done to bring attention to the discrete details of each patient’s situation is fundamental to the communicative compassion sub process of recognizing. The method of analysis were relied upon a two-level iterative analysis, alternately using etic-level categories bas on existing research and theory and emic level categories that emerged from the data and participant’s voices (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Open coding was engaged then identifying relationships and second-level analytic themes in the codes was processed. The open codes were classified into groups, analytic memos explored the categories, and data was recorded then used theoretically. Interviews with 29 nurses were completed, and the hypothesis stated was ‘Conceptualization not only captures the sub process of compassion, but also highlights the integral role of communication’. Compassion is accomplished through communication behaviors and attending verbal social support, in order to influence organizational performance and work outcomes. Many researchers show that people prefer to die at home, surrounded by their loved ones, and free of pain. But hospice advocates less obtrusive end-of-life techniques, trying to keep the dying free from