MGT/527 Organizational Communication
Earl Levith
Rachelle Love
November 16, 2014
Content and Method of Communication Communication is the sending of a message from a source to a receiver. However communicating is not simple, it takes a lot of practice and effort (Stuart, Sarow, Stuart 2007). I had a face-to-face interpersonal conversation with a co-worker regarding one of our applications that we administer called Planview. I scheduled a face-to-face meeting with my co-worker. My job duty was to train him on the application so that he could assist me with setting up users. I was the sender of the message (encoder), and my co-worker was the receiver of the message (decoder). As the sender of the message my responsibility is to make sure that I express myself clearly without overwhelming the receiver (co-worker) with a lot of information at one time during the training session. I used computer visuals to show my co-worker what steps he needed to take when adding a user to Planview. It’s very important to use visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations or Screen-Prints, when explaining or communicating step-by-step configuration instructions. However, instead I explained the step-by-step instructions by physically going into the application on my laptop and showing my co-worker how to add the user.
Furthermore, face-to-face communication is very effective during a training session. It provides more detail for the encoder and enables the sender to clarify issues or concerns (Business Case Studies). Other benefits of face-to-face communication (Richman, 2012):
Enables the receiver to understand the reactions to the information being presented.
Provides additional communication cues or signals that provide insights that are critical in gaining an understanding of others’ perspectives
Helps develop workplace relationships and team cohesiveness.
Provides opportunities to observe the receivers
References: Stuart, B.E., Sarow, M.S., Stuart, L. (2007). Integrated Business Communication in a Global Marketplace: The Building Blocks of Communciation. Retrieved from: Richman, B. (August 17, 2012). Face-to-Face communication can help you accomplish business objectives. Getting the message across- the importance of good communication. Retrieved from: Importance-of-good-communications/methods-of-communication.html#axzz3JIBUkpoy