Winston Pennington
April 16, 2014
Joel Levine
Communication Styles Worksheet
You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling.
Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students.
Hey friend, I am currently going to University of Phoenix. I am just getting started really. We are learning about some of the resources to help us succeed here at school. Some of the cool stuff we have is this program in the online library. It is a paper review service that allows us to up load papers for review before we submit them. One of the things is does, is tells us about our grammar and punctuation, as well as our spelling errors. Part of this program will check for plagiarism for us. Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s work without acknowledging them. There is also this program called River Point Writer that helps format our paper to how they need to be set up. This helps me out because I have such a hard time setting up MS Word for that format. Then we have a place that can help us prepare for math classes even before we are in a math class. I think I am really going to use this thing to help me overcome my anxiety in math and to get to know it a little bit better.
You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read.
Write a 150- to 200-word summary for your class of the resources available to students. Remember to write using an academic tone.
Here at the University of Phoenix, there are many resources for students to use. These resources are created to help us succeed in our academic program. A couple of these resources is in the university library. The library is not just for looking up articles and books for writing papers. In the Center for Writing Excellence (or CWE), there are a few places that can help you out. There is a paper review service that will check your papers against plagiarism under the plagiarism checker. Under that same program, there is WritePoint. WritePoint will check your paper for grammar, usage, and spelling. Writing help on PhoenixConnect allows you to connect with other students that can give you tips and leads to other resources. Under the tutorials and guides you will find APA templates, citation generator, and river point writer.
In the Center for Mathematics Excellence (or CME) there is a step by step reviews if you are getting ready to start a math class. Building math confidence will help you refresh your math skills and overcome anxiety. Then there is Running start by ALEKS that has presentation and videos on topics from algebra, higher algebra, and statistics.