The aim of this unit • To make you think about communicative approach to teaching languages • To analyse the concept of communicative competence • To reflect upon the communicative teaching techniques
What do you have to do in this unit? • Warming up discussions • Input reading • Self-assessment questions (SAQS) • Exploratory tasks • Integrated task
Warming up discussion 0
Warm up the concept of a “communicative situation” (situation, in which it is necessary to communicate orally and/or through writing in order to achieve a certain goal). Produce a “mind map” of the concept listing most typical communicative situations in your own real world
Communicative situations
Input reading 1
The way towards communicative teaching
Warming-up discussion 1.1
Rate in order of importance the items that the students need in order to master the language communicatively (more than one item can get one rank)
|Items |Rating |
|Vocabulary | |
|Grammar | |
|Pronunciation | |
|Knowledge of typical situations | |
|Target culture | |
|Skills in speaking | |
|Skills in writing |
References: Asher, J. 1969. The total physical response approach to second language learning. Modern Language Journal. 53:3-17 Bachman, L Brown, G. and G. Yule. 1983. Discourse Analysis. CUP Bygate, M Canale, M., and M. Swain. 1980. “Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing”. Applied Linguistics 1: 1-47 Chomsky, N Coleman H. 1996.Society and the Language Classroom. CUP Cook, G Crystal, D. 1992. Introducing Linguistics. L. Penguin. Curran, C. 1976. Counseling-Learning: A Whole Person Model for Education. N.Y. Ellis, G. 1996. How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach? ELTJ. Volume 50/3 Ellis, R Fox, J. 1992. New Perspectives in Modern Language Learning. University of East Anglia Fries, Ch Gategno, C. 1972. Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way. N.Y. Haines, S. 1995. Projects for the EFL Classrooms. Longman Harley,T Hymes, D. 1971. On communicative Competence. University of Pennsylvania Press Krashen, S Leaver, B. 1993. Teaching the Whole Class. The AGSI Press Littlewood, W Lozanov, G. 1978. Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy. N.Y. Madeline, E. 1996. Understanding Second Language Learning Difficulties. Sage Publications Millrood, R Nunan, D. 1993. Discourse Analysis. Penguin Books. Palmer, H. 1940. The Teaching of Oral English. Longman Pollak A Savignon, S. 1983. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Mass. Sheils, J. 1988. Communication in the Modern Language Classroom. Strasbourg Widdowson, H Wood B. 1981. Children and communication. NJ.