Bad fats are saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats are mostly in meats, dairy products and tropical oils. Saturated fat raises both bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, while trans-fat only raises bad cholesterol. This makes trans fats technically worse than saturated fats. The better fats would be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated will lower your cholesterol, and unlike polyunsaturated they do not lower your good cholesterol. Your best fats would be the omega-3s (fish oil). This fat has shown to protect people from sudden cardiac death (Schardt,2002).…
The industrial revolution had been made known all over the world, causing huge waves of immigrants to crash into urban cities of the United States. Because of this, many factories sprang up and a typical American industrial worker had to face problems because of immigration and also labor unions, which were created in order to protect factory workers from unfair bosses.…
The Capitalist system, which created the Industrial Revolution, was thought to eventually drive factories out of business. This would leave factory working with no work and alone on the streets. Communism would create jobs and wealth for the factory workers and create wealth. Also, with the equal distribution of goods and services, there would be improved working conditions. This was very important to them. A good example is when the Luddites destroyed the factories because they were mad about working conditions.…
The Industrial Revolution was an era during the 18th and 19th century that went through a period of uncommon growth that affected both the social, economic and also cultural aspects of civilizations throughout the world. This was a time where machines were used to replace hand labor. It was known as the time that when the living standards of the people were raised in a major way and the health of people in the economic environment was unrelenting. During the revolution everyone in the lower and middle class was affected. This revolution had a variety of causes and still effects people in the world today.…
Imagine reading on the internet and coming across a dark and gloomy poem, wondering who was creative enough to write it. There was a famous poet who explained his past perfectly. Edgar Allan Poe’s life experiences influenced his subjects and writing. Poe lived most of his life alone. He was a unique child, and didn’t fit in. Poe wrote about how it’s good to be unique and a visionary like himself.…
In the Industrial Revolution, it was a turning point for the Unions. “Between 1860 and 1910 the population of the US tripled, and so too did the industrial workforce. New types of commercial enterprise sprung up to stand alongside the pre-Civil War textile factories.” (PBS) During this time period, working conditions did not improve and the demand for workers was at an all-time high. In 1869 the Knights of Labor union was formed and got national attention and was one of the largest unions of that time period.…
The Industrial Revolution was really more of an evolution than a revolution in the way that it developed new methods of living rather than using forceful techniques to change leaderships in society. Millions of people contributed to the cause, because such an immaculate and high-paced transformation could not be credited to one person alone. The Industrial Revolution is still in effect in today's modern world though the rate is much slower. Within this issue lie mixed feelings about the results and steps taken during this era. Some people would say that the Industrial Revolution was a necessary achievement in order to make easier the lives of all citizens throughout the world, other people would say that it brought misery and hardships to the lower classes of society. The best position in this argument would be that the Industrial Revolution was beneficial to society because; it gathered the population to form cities, created competition, and it increased food production. The major downfall was that it strengthened the extreme inequality among nations. It is clear because of the gathered people that formed cities, the created competition, and increased food production that my position is stronger than that of my opponent.…
The Industrial Revolution was period of rapid economic and social growth during the mid 18th and early 19th centuries. The new found power of coal and iron made for many new innovations in machinery. Not all of the Industrial Revolution’s changes were physical. A new ideology arose from the sweat of the working class: socialism. Socialism is a political theory advocating state or collective ownership of property and industry opposed to private ownership. To fully understand the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and socialism, one must first be comfortable with the Revolution and its changes, socialism itself, and the fine line of events linking the two together.…
After Reconstruction, the makeup of American life changed dramatically with the Second Industrial Revolution. The Second Industrial Revolution was driven by rise of the patented inventions and the formation of corporations. Many of these corporations were bought out by a few wealthy men to form trusts. These trusts such as the Carnegie Steel Company and Standard Oil Company were essentially monopolies that controlled the economy and politics. This rise of big business from 1870 to 1900 was achieved through powerful economic influence and corrupt political acts that affected laborers, immigrants, and families across America.…
Industrial revolution: The Industrial revolution started in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. It was a period in time when rural societies around the world became urban and all manufacturing was now done in factories rather than in human homes due to the invention of basic machinery. It began in England and spread into the rest of Europe, The United States and Japan. Its foundation lies in the invention of the steam engine which was used in the mining industry and in textile fields. It replaced the human and animal power, thereby increasing the rate of production. The discovery of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum facilitated the use of the new steam engine. Therefore, the rural society in Europe and America was transformed to industrialized…
The Industrial Revolution began over 200 years ago. It changed theway in which many products, including cloth and textiles, weremanufactured. It is called a "revolution" beacuse the changes it causedwere great and sudden. It greatly affected the way people lived andworked. This revolution helped to bring about the modern world weknow today in many ways.…
The Industrial Revolution in Europe between 1760 and 1850 had a major impact on the many countries of Europe that forever shaped their outcome. The Industrial Revolution had many causes that are still debatable to this day, the most major influence however was the end of the French Revolution. After the Industrial Revolution, many changes took place throughout the continent economically, socially, culturally, religiously, politically, and intellectually.…
The Second Industrial Revolution brought unity and prosperity to the once uneconomical Europe. Products such as railroads, coal, iron, and textiles, as well as the discovery of electricity, and use of chemicals, petroleum, and steel, are all contributes to what is referred to as the Second Industrial Revolution. These products brought improvement and advancement to all social classes.…
This paper will describe The Industrial Revolution. I will discuss at least two (2) developments of industrialization that positively affected American lives or the United States and two (2) developments of industrialization that negatively affected American lives or the United States in general. Furthermore, I will give an analysis of whether or not industrialization was generally beneficial or detrimental to the lives of Americans and the history of the United States. All findings will be supported by facts and references.…
Good afternoon, our group thinks that technologies do more harm than good. We are going to use two specific kinds of technologies to talk about the harmful of it. The first one is about the harmful of using smart phones and the second one is the harmful of having nuclear power/ power plant.…