Communism was, and still is, considered an established political force in the sub-continent and has been an ideological choice of a fairly large list of it’s heroes and martyrs which exist on both sides of the partition spectrum. The movement, especially in this region, has seen it’s fair share of dull days there’s no denying it. However, to understand what communism is and how it is viewed by different people in the light of their cultural and political backgrounds one has study the origin of this ideology and what it’s epistemological implications are.
The subject of communism is a voluminous one and contains an extract of a wide variety of political and socio-economical philosophies ranging from the Utopian communist society conceived by Plato in his ‘Republic’ to the ‘ Classical Republicanism’ of Jean Jacques Rousseau of the French Revolution. Trying to explain communism here in detail would be a lost cause for both me as an author and you as a reader. Communism, in a nutshell, is a society imagined by the notorious yet undeniably genius political scientist and revolutionist Karl Marx and his comrade/colleague Friedrich Engels. According to Marx and Engels, if a society goes through a weathering period of proper scientific socialist order achieved through a proletarian(working class) revolution, it will end up as a stateless, classless society, where the society will be running on the principle of “from each according to his ability to each according to his need”. Utopian as it may sound, contrarily, is a scientifically developed and ever evolving philosophy based on a deep critique of capitalism as an economical system.
Communism in Pakistan, has mostly been divided into various factions belonging to different school of thoughts, with some instances of unification of left wing parties as exceptions on popular platforms, National Awaami Party(NAP) is one such example. Though