While each organization largely differs from the other, they can be closely linked down to specific details of their beliefs. As stated before, Communism rose from Socialist ideals that were changed to better fit the founder’s views. Greed compounded with a lust for power transformed semi-peaceful Socialism into Communism. Socialism calls for an economy equally ruled by the people but Communism calls for a government to rule the economy and force the equality upon the people. That is the greatest difference between the two. Overall, the two differ much more than they resemble one another. Socialism has been around for much longer and has seen much more success. Communism has generally failed in the majority of its attempts to establish itself as a reigning power in countries. Therefore, Socialism seems to be the winner even as Communism bases itself off of Socialist
While each organization largely differs from the other, they can be closely linked down to specific details of their beliefs. As stated before, Communism rose from Socialist ideals that were changed to better fit the founder’s views. Greed compounded with a lust for power transformed semi-peaceful Socialism into Communism. Socialism calls for an economy equally ruled by the people but Communism calls for a government to rule the economy and force the equality upon the people. That is the greatest difference between the two. Overall, the two differ much more than they resemble one another. Socialism has been around for much longer and has seen much more success. Communism has generally failed in the majority of its attempts to establish itself as a reigning power in countries. Therefore, Socialism seems to be the winner even as Communism bases itself off of Socialist