Communism vs Socialism vs Capitalism
Communism vs. Socialism vs. Capitalism With every type of government, there are going to be many inefficiencies and flaws to deal with. A perfect way to run a country, socially and economically, has yet to be discovered. Social Equality and economic opportunity have proven throughout history to be two great entities that cannot be intertwined with each other. The idea of running communist country is good willed because it is striving for social equally for all and equal possession of the country's economic resources. The problem with communism is that this leaves room for corrupt leaders to take over and almost obliterates all incentives for personal success and would not in any way allow people the opportunity to "flourish" as Aristotle would say. A complete socialist country also cannot achieve social equality and completely remove the wage gap from society without causing inflation and lowering incentives for entrepreneurs to start up new companies and businesses due to the higher taxes and less profit. History has proven that so far capitalism has been the most efficient and successful type of government and the free market has shown to give more power to the citizens of a country. It may have negative effects on social equality and gives room for the creation of monopolies but it gives people the opportunity to succeed with their hard work no matter what background they come from. Communism is a system in which all goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed(Engels). Whether you are a genius doctor or a lazy garbage man, you will receive the amount of pay you need for you and your family to survive. The whole idea of this is to establish social order throughout a country. The focus is heavily on community over individuality, so it agrees with the philosophical idea of utilitarianism because they are trying to achieve happiness for the greatest number of people possible rather than give someone the opportunity to pursue happiness. Karl Marx,
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