In November 1918, thanks to the Allied victory and American contribution to it, the Germans menace ended in Russia. Communist Russia Hard- pressed as Lenin’s party by the autumn of 1920 had prevailed over its enemies. The Communist victory in the Civil War, which extracted a staggering price. The Reds and Whites alike carried the tsarist tradition.
In Communist Russia, some 1.2 million combatants on both sides perished. In addition, the Communists killed some 250,000 peasants who resisted grain requisitions and executed tens of thousands of political opponents and adding to the death toll were some 100,000 Jews. Communist Russia victims of pogroms perpetrated largely by the Whites. Compounding the nation’s anguish was the famine of 1921-1922, which claimed some 5 million victims. The New Economic Policy introduced in 1919 was to deal with the plummeting agricultural and economic production, rampant inflating, and desperate hunger in the cities. The state took over the means of production and greatly limited private ownership. War in communism devastated the economy even further, alienated workers and