October 22 2013
Are You Apart of a Community? What is a community? A community is a group of people who have similar characteristics in common. They provide is with a sense of stability, they serve our needs, and they also accept us for who we are. When most people think of a community they automatically think about the neighborhood, town or city they live in, or the religious group they are apart of. No one really thinks about the people who are involved in high-risk behaviors as being apart of a community. Groups engaging in high-risk behaviors function as a community because they provide us with as sense of stability, they serve our needs, and they also accept us for who we are. Why should someone who is involved in a high-risk behavior have to be on their own? Whether its a positive or negative thing that brings people together as a community it is still nonetheless a community. People with alcohol addiction have AA meetings that they can go to. Those AA meeting are a place where people have a common characteristics and can feel safe with one another. There is no one there to judge them and criticize them for the wrong choices they have made. The people are there to support them and they are some times the only one who understands them. Some alcoholics also have people that they drink regularly with. Those people are also a community. Obsessive drinking is what brings them together. No one is going to be able to understand why you have to drink and why you need to feel drunk all the time except for the community of people that you do it with. They are in the same position and there really is no one better to understand what someone is going through than someone who is going through the same thing. Communities accept us for who we are. When someone is going through something that not everyone can understand they need that close community of people who do understand. In the essay A Secret Society of the Starving it talks about websites that