Katlin Magi
University of New Mexico
Nursing 431L- Community Assessment
The 87110 zip code area is located in the Bernalillo county of Albuquerque, NM. Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico and was founded in 1706 by Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdes and named after the Duke of Albuquerque, the viceroy of New Spain. Albuquerque is a home for many cultures and traditions passed down for generations.
The 87110 zip code area is a diverse community of areas with affluent communities and yet significant poverty and areas with moderate crime. While driving through the neighborhood there is a striking contrast of relatively poor areas offset by affluent neighborhoods.
The cost of homes in the 87110 …show more content…
76% of the population is white, 35.7% are Hispanic, primarily of Mexican decent, Native Americans comprise 4.46%, Blacks 2.64% and Asians 2.88%. The median age of the population is 41.9 years, the majority of population are females 51.7%. New Mexico department of health reports that Bernalillo County has a birth rate of 12 per 1000 population. The birth rate within the 87110 zip code is 69 per 1000 women.
The workforce in 87110 is made mostly of blue collar workers. Over sixty percent are employed in the arts, entertainment and food services. The remaining 26.6 % in agriculture and forestry, 12.4 % in the public administration. The unemployment rate is 6.5% which is lower than the overall city unemployment rate of 8.3%. The unemployment rate among those of Hispanic or Latino origin is slightly higher at …show more content…
The average degree for the community is high school level. About 20.3% of the population holds a Bachelor’s degree. The poverty rate for those who have a Bachelor’s degree or higher is 4.8% and for those with a high school degree 10%.
Approximately 18.9% of people in 87110 are uninsured. The leading causes of death is heart disease followed by alcohol related disease. Other major causes of health problems are drug overdoses, stroke, cancer and diabetes. There are several integrative, holistic health centers in the 87110 zip code. Health center located closest to the community center is Integrative Health Center. The office consists of three providers who work together to provide western and alternative therapies. There are several other dental, chiropractic and Chinese medicine offices in the area.
Public transportation overall in the city of Albuquerque is not convenient. Buses run on main boulevards, at approximately 30 minute intervals. The most common mode of transportation in the area is by private vehicle, 80% of the people solo commuted, 9% carpooled and 2% used a bus for